1 Introduction
Knotty is a domain-specific language for knitting patterns.
It’s written as a module, or add-on, for a programming language called Racket. This gives you complete flexibility in how you write and parameterize your designs.
There is also a Knotty executable that converts knitting programs from one format to another.
1.1 Why Knotty?
Knotty aims to be a useful open-source standard to describe knitting patterns. Knotty is easy to read, easy to write, provides a practical set of tools for designers.
That said, it is still under development so please bear with me if you need a particular feature that doesn’t exist yet!
1.2 Getting Started
1.2.1 Installation
Download and install the lastest version of Racket from the homepage. The installation will include an application called DrRacket. DrRacket is recommended as the best way to edit and run programs in Racket.
In DrRacket, open the menu option File > Install Package. Type knotty into the text box and press Install.
1.2.2 Using Knotty
To begin with, it is recommended to use Knotty from within DrRacket. But there is also a Knotty Application that you can run from the command line.
1.3 Resources
1.3.1 Manual
This document is intended to be read by people who are learning to use Knotty. It contains Reference materials and Code Examples that highlight some of the features implemented in Knotty.
1.3.2 Repository
Try looking in the Knotty repository for more example files and documentation.